The telephone code for Cuba is +53 followed by the area code and then the number.
Mobile phone numbers in Cuba can be recognized for starting with the code 789.
When you are calling Cuba, these are the phone codes for each main town or province.
City | Phone Code |
Baracoa | 21 |
Camagüey (capital of province) | 32 |
Cayo Coco | 33 |
Cayo Largo del Sur | 45 |
Ciego de Ávila (capital of province) | 33 |
Cienfuegos (capital of province) | 432 |
Granma (whole province) | 23 |
Guantánamo | 21 |
Guardalavaca | 24 |
Havana (capital of Cuba) | 7 |
Holguín (whole province) | 24 |
Isla de la Juventud | 61 |
Las Tunas (capital of province) | 31 |
Marea de Portillo | 23 |
Matanzas (capital of province) | 45 |
Pinar del Río (capital of province) | 82 |
Playa Santa Lucía | 32 |
Sancti Spíritus (capital of province) | 41 |
Santa Clara (capital of province) | 42 |
Santiago de Cuba (capital of province) | 22 |
Trinidad | 419 |
Valle de Viñales | 8 |
Varadero | 45 |
When calling to your home country from Cuba, don't forget to include the international phone code, some of which are listed below.
Country | Country Phone Code |
Australia | +61 |
Canada | +1 |
China | +86 |
France | +33 |
Germany | +49 |
Japan | +81 |
Mexico | +52 |
Netherlands | +31 |
New Zealand | +64 |
Spain | +34 |
Sweden | +46 |
United Kingdom | +44 |
United States | +1 |