A few months before travel, check with your doctor which travel vaccinations you need and when.
Some travel vaccinations should be taken a few days before travelling, others a few months. Your doctor will know the current recommended travel vaccinations that you need.
Your Tetanus and Polio vaccinations should be up to date before any travel.
Travel vaccinations are required as per the below times before travelling.
- Diptheria - 3 months
- Typhoid - 10 days
- Rabies - 1 month
- Tuberculosis - 3 months
- Hepatitus A - 2 weeks
- Hepatitus B - 2 months
- Yellow Fever - 10 days
Vaccinations for Typhoid and Hepatitus A are always generally recommended. The case of Cuba is no exception.
Other vaccinations, such as for Tetanus-Diphteria, Rabies, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitus B are sometimes recommended. A vaccination for Diphteria and Tetanus is needed once every ten years; a Rabies vaccination is recommended to those who come in contact with animals regularly and stay without access to medical facilities; a vaccination for Hepatitus B is recommended to long-term travellers who come in close contact with local population.
For the most accurate, personal advice on which vaccinations to get, consult your GP!